We have lots of exciting events happening here at PEMC. Guest speakers, musical groups, Vacation Bible School and more! Be sure to check out this page regularly for upcoming events.

Christmas Eve Service
As per tradition, we will be doing a Christmas Eve candlelight service. Everybody welcome!

Camp Firelight VBS
Vacation Bible School is coming to PEMC once again this summer! This free kids program will be filled with music, stories, games, crafts and… snacks!
For more details and to register visit:

150th Anniversary
Come celebrate our 150th anniversary! We will be joined by guest speaker Rev. Rob Harwood. Fellowship and refreshments to follow the service.

Tailgate Yard Sale
Sign up for a space in our parking lot to sell treasures you’re ready to pass on, out of the back of your vehicle (tables can be provided upon request). Cost per space is $15. To book a space call Palmerston EM Church at 519-343-3740 or email
For those coming to shop for treasures, don’t miss the bake sale and food booth onsite!
All proceeds going toward the Palmerston Evangelical Missionary Church Youth for their annual retreat.

Easter Sunday Service
Join us for our Easter Sunday service to celebrate the resurrection of Christ!

Good Friday Service
Join us for our Good Friday service to commemorate Christ being crucified.

Teen Challenge Choir
Come and hear a dynamic choir presentation by Teen Challenge Canada, featuring testimonies and stories of finding the freedom from addiction!

Operation Christmas Child
Operation Christmas Child – Our annual OCC shoebox drive has begun! We are collecting gift-filled shoeboxes for children in need. These boxes are a tangible way in which we can demonstrate God’s Love to children around the word. We invite you to pack a shoebox (or several)! For more information about packing a box as well as gift suggestions and restrictions, visit Samaritan's Purse Canada. Bring your box(es) back to the church by Sunday Nov. 12th.

Hearing God Seminar
Join our six-week practicum where you will intentionally learn and develop practices that will aid in hearing God’s voice.
Starting Oct 15, we will be meeting on Sundays after church (bring lunch) and Tuesday evenings (7:30-8:30pm).
If you’d like to participate, please let Pastor Phil know.

Church in the Park!
Join us for food, fellowship & fun during our Church in the Park event Sunday, June 25!
10-11am: Worship service (bring lawn chairs - Lion’s Heritage Park Pavilion, Albert St. Palmerston).
11-12:30pm: Potluck lunch (cold beverages provided, bring plates & cutlery). Chuckles the Clown will be making balloon creations for the kids!
12:30-1:30pm: Enjoy swimming at the Palmerston pool or feel free to bring board games/cards to stay and fellowship.
Rain or shine, we hope to see you there!

Meet Dorothy Reid!
Join us for breakfast Saturday May 27, 9:00am – 11:00am. Enjoy good food (provided) and fellowship, and meet Dorothy Reid, a global worker serving in Romania. Please sign up if planning to attend. A sign-up sheet is in the church foyer, or you can scan the QR code to RSVP. A Blessing Table will be in the foyer on Sunday May 21st and again on Saturday May 27th where cards of encouragement and/or cash gifts for Dorothy may be placed.

Spring Cleaning!
If you are interested/available, please assist with our annual spring cleaning.

Young Women's Breakfast
Join us for the Young Women’s Breakfast & Fellowship. This event is a great opportunity for single or married young women to spend time chatting and getting to know each other.
Sign up sheet will be on the coffee table Sunday mornings.

Men’s breakfast
Come one, come all! Join us for our FREE men’s breakfast where you can listen to amazing life stories while enjoying pancakes, bacon, sausage, eggs and of course… coffee!
A signup sheet will be passed around Church services starting January 29th.
Don’t forget to bring your appetite!

Food, Fellowship & Games!
People north of 55, join us for an evening of catered food, fellowship & games!
Menu includes ham, scalloped potatoes, vegetables, coleslaw, buns and dessert.
$25 per person.
Click HERE and fill out the form by February 1st if you’d like to attend.